vELOCITY: Student ENGAGEMENT (2016-2017)
What is Velocity?
Velocity® is a revolutionary K-5 English Language Arts solution that extends the teacher’s reach and guides students along individualized learning paths.
Key Goal?
During this exploration, the project had 3 primary goals:
Refine the student flow and add polish.
Mask and hide deficiencies in the program (long wait times etc.)
Make the student experience more entertaining and age appropriate.
My Role.
I was the senior user experience designer and the visual creative lead. I art directed 2 other UX designers, and 3 visual designers. I collaborated primarily with the product owner, illustrator, lead engineer and head of field support.
Time Line.
From start to finish, 5 months.
The goal of the initial MVP was to get students working on new skills, and doing coursework. After we created the first 20-30 activities, we had the opportunity to improve the experience as a whole and to make it more cohesive and engaging for students.
Pulling it all together.
This video is a screen-capture of the experience after the first relaunch. Not everything was perfect on the first go(but what ever is?!) and we created dozens of stories and entered many bugs for the following sprints to refine the experience.
The video illustrates:
World and Character selections.
Dashboard Introduction.
Visual Transitions.
Waiting animation and audio.
Introduction to new skills.